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Class Information

  • Lecturer: Seongjin Lee
  • Time & Place: Thursday 16:00-19:00 at 407-202
  • Office Hour: Thursday 09:00-12:00, Wednesday 14:00-18:00
  • Contacts: Room 407-314

Course Introduction

In Database Management System (DBMS), we study the database which is organized and structured collection of data. DBMS is a software system which acts as intermediary between user or application and the data. It allows to navigate through the data and analyze the data. In this course, we are going to learn the core mechanism that holds the system together.


In this course, we are going to learn the essence of data base management system. Students are going to learn the following concepts.

  • Relational model
  • Entity-relational model
  • SQL
  • External, conceptual, physical levels of DMBS
  • Data definition language, Data manipulation language, query language
  • Data structures
  • Index
  • Transaction and Concurrency

Text Book

Main Textbook

Supplementary Textbook

  • 만화로 쉽게 배우는 데이터베이스, Takahashi Mana 지음, 홍희정 옮김, Azuma Shouko 그림, 성안당
  • 데이터베이스 시스템 (AN INTRODUCTION TO DATABASE SYSTEMS), C.J. Date, Pearson, 2004

Useful links to study MySQL

  • - Is well described tutorial site for beginners to novice MySql users. Download the sample database from here and play around starting from here.


Categories Ratio Categories Ratio
Attendance 10 Quiz 10
Assignments 10 Midterm 30
Project 20 Final 30
Total 100%
  • All exams are closed book and closed notes
  • Any request for regrade must be made within one week of the time that the paper is returned, with no exception. You should describe in writing why the score is incorrect or graded unfairly. The written argument must be self-contained and can be evaluated based only on what is written on the paper.


  • Every week, you are to write detailed report on at least three concepts, one page for each concept. Download the template


Part I

Week Date Lecture Slides Reading HW/Project
1 Aug-31 Course Layout, Introduction to Relational Database, SQL Overview, MySQL Overview DBlec01 Syllabus, Ch1, Ch3-Ch3.3, Ch3.4, Ch5-Ch5.2 Review Week 1
2 Sept-07l Relational Algebra, Complex SQL I DBlec02 Ch4-Ch4.2, Ch5.5 Review Week 2
3 Sep-14 Relational Algebra, Complex SQL II DBlec02 Ch4-Ch4.2, Ch5.5 Use the template in #Homeworks section

Review Week 3
4 Sep-21 Database Design – ER Model, ER to Relational DBlec03 Ch2-Ch2.5, Ch3.5 Review Week 4
5 Sep-28 Database Design – Normalization and View I DBlec04 Ch19-Ch19.6 Ch 3.6
6 Oct-05 추석
7 Oct-12 Database Design – Normalization and View II

Just for information
Data Definition Language, Data Manipulation Language and Review

Just for information
Ch. 1, Ch 2. Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch5-5.7
8 Oct-19 Midterm Exam

Part II

Week Date Lecture Slides Reading HW/Project
9 Oct-26 Midterm Discussion, Storing Data DBlec06 Ch9-Ch9.1 Ch9.3-Ch9.7
10 Nov-02 Indexing DBlec07 Ch8, Ch10-Ch10.6
11 Nov-09 Join Algorithm DBlec08 Ch12.3.3, Ch14.4
12 Nov-16 Sorting Algorithm Ch13-Ch13.3, Ch14.4.3
13 Nov-23 Transaction, Concurrency Control Ch16
14 Nov-30 Crash Recovery Ch18 Questions Due date Upload here ]
15 Dec-07 Review
16 Dec-14 Final Exam

Policy on missed Exams and late homework/project.

To be fair to everyone in the class, the following rules are always followed to the letter and without exception.

  1. If you need an extra day on the assignment, it must be discussed and cleared with me no fewer than one week before the due date. If your excuses are reasonable and credible, you will be given an extra day to submit the assignment or the project. However, if you have not cleared with me in a week advance, there is no points for the submission.
  2. The exam will be held on the day that all the students have agreed. If you don’t show for the exam, there will be no points for the exam.
  3. However, If you are ill, if there is a death in your immediate family, or had accident on the day of submission or exam, I will allow a late submission or no-show-up in the exam. You should give me proof of the circumstances or valid note from a doctor on the day of the submission by email or a massage.

Policy on Academic Honesty

Act of lying, cheating, copying the assignments, copying the source code, or gain academic advantage from stealing academic information will not be tolerated. As a university student, you are expected to neither commit or assist in violating academic honesty. It is the student’s duty to report observed academic honesty violations. In this class, you are expected to hand in your own work. I will not tolerate any outside source or copied work. All incidents of academic dishonesty will be punished and will be reflected in the grades.