Lectures on Advanced Operating System

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Class Information

Class Info
Class Advanced Operating Systems
Lecturer Seongjin Lee
Time and Place Thursday: 407-604 19:00-22:00
Office Hour Wednesday: 14:00-15:00
Contacts Office: 407-314
Email: insight at gnu dot ac dot kr


  1. Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces, Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau and Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, chapters available here or you can buy the book here
  2. 운영체제 아주 쉬운 세 가지 이야기, Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau, 한글판 교보문고 바로가기


Categories Ratio Categories Ratio
Attendance 20 Exam I 25
Participation 10 Exam II 25
Quiz 20
Total 100%

Schedule and Readings

Week Date Lecture Reading Discussion
1 31-Aug Course Layout & Introduction to Operating Systems
2 09-Jul The Process, Limited, Direct Execution Ch 4, 5, 6 Wk 2
3 14-Sep Multi-Level Feedback Queue, Scheduling - Proportion Share, Multiprocessor Scheduling Ch 7, 8, 10 Wk 3
4 21-Sep Address Spaces, Memory API Ch 13, 14 Wk 4
5 28-Sep Address Translation, Segmentation, Free-Space Management Ch 15, 16, 17 Wk 5
6 10-May 추석
7 10-Dec Paging Introduction, Paging – Faster, Concurrency, Thread API Ch 18, 19, 26, 27 Wk7
8 19-Oct Midterm Exam
9 26-Oct Midterm Exam Review
10 11-Feb Locks, Lock-based Concurrent Data Structures
Condition Variables, Semaphores
Ch 28, 29
Ch 30, 31
11 11-Sep Common Concurrency Problems, Event-based Concurrency Ch 32, 33
12 16-Nov I/O Devices, Hard Disk Drives Ch 36, 37
13 23-Nov RAIDs, File and Directories, File System Ch 38, 39, 40
14 30-Nov Locality and The Fast File System, Crash
Log-structured File System, Data Integrity and Protection
Ch 41, 42
Ch 43, 44
15 12-Jul Final Exam
16 14-Dec Final Exam review