File and Storage System

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Class Information

Class Info
Class File and Storage System
Lecturer Seongjin Lee
Time and Place Friday : 407-604 19:00-22:00
Office Hour Wednesday: 14:00-15:00
Contacts Office: 407-314
Email: insight at gnu dot ac dot kr


  1. Practical file system design with the BE file system, Dominic Giampaolo, Morgan Kaufmann
  2. Operating Systems in Depths, Thomas W. Doeppner, Wiley
  3. Unix Internals: The new frontiers, Uresh Vahalia, Prentice Hall
  4. Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces, Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau and Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, chapters available here.


Categories Ratio Categories Ratio
Attendance 20 Exam I 20
Participation 20 Exam II 20
Quiz 20
Total 100%

Schedule and Readings

Week Date Lecture Reading Discussion
1 8-Mar Orientation
2 15-Mar What is a file system, other file systems, the data structures of BFS PFD CH 2,3, 4
3 22-Mar Attirbutes, Indexing, queries; allocation policies; journaling PFD CH 5, 6, 7
4 29-Mar Disk block cache; file system performance; vonde layer PFD CH 8, 9, 10
5 5-Apr User level API; testing PFD CH 10, 11
6 12-Apr file system interface and framework UI CH 8
7 19-Apr File system inmplimentation UI 9
8 26-Apr Midterm Exam
9 3-May file systems OSID ch 6
10 10-May flash based ssds OSTEP 44
11 17-May Paper presentation I
12 24-May Paper Presentation II
13 31-May Paper Presentation III
14 7-Jun Paper Presentation IV
15 14-Jun Final Exam


  • Please answer the questions on [here]. It is updated every week.
  • All the students have to write a report on each of the papers including answers to the following question (report must be longer than 5 pages)
    • Problem the author tried to solve
    • Key idea with detailed process and techniques
    • Technical issues that you did not know. What are the solutions for the issues
    • How can you apply the newly known knowledge to your field of study

Assigned Papers

  • List of papers we are going to read
    • Jooheon Lee No 01 Design Tradeoffs for SSD Reliability, FAST 2019 [pdf] [slides]
    • Atieh No 01 Application Crash Consistency and Performance with CCFS, FAST 2017 [pdf] [slides]
    • Jungmoon Park No 02 POSIX is Dead! Long Live... errr... What Exactly? Hotstorage 2017 [pdf] [slides]
    • Suyeon Ham No 02 Designing a True Direct-Access File System with DevFS, FAST 2018 [pdf] [slides]
    • Seungjae Baek No 03 Barrier Enabled IO Stack for Flash Storage, FAST 2018 [pdf] [slides]
    • Mirzan No 03 Split-Level I/O Scheduling, SOSP 2015 [pdf] [slides]
    • Sooin Lee No 04 Protocol-Aware Recovery for Consensus-Based Storage, FAST 2018 [pdf] [slides]
    • Faris No 04 Improving Virtualized Storage Performance with Sky, VEE 2017 [pdf] [slides]