Introduction to Computer Programming 2017-02: Difference between revisions

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| 6 || C || Oct-03 || 추석 || Oct-4-6 || 추석 ||  
| 6 || C || Oct-03 || 추석 || Oct-4-6 || 추석 ||  
| 7 || || Oct-10 || EXAM I Place: 407-101 Duration: 2 Hours || Oct-11 &<br> Oct-13 || Introduction to C Writing and compiling the first program <br>'''Reading''': <br>Ch2: 첫번째 프로그램, 자료형, C에서 문자, C에서 숫자 <br>In class project: Trial and Error || K&R Ch 1
| 7 || || Oct-10 || EXAM I Place: 407-101 Duration: 2 Hours || Oct-11 &<br> Oct-13 || Exam Review & Compilation Pipeline ||
| 8 || || Oct-17 || Variables and datatypes, operators <br>'''Reading''':  <br>Ch5: 변수의 종류, 변수 정의하기 <br>Ch9: 기본적인 산술 계산, 연산자의 우선 순위 <br>Ch10: 복합 연산자 || Oct-18 &<br> Oct-20 || Declarations and expressions <br>In class project: || K&R Ch 2
| 8 || || Oct-17 || C fundamentals, Formatted Input/Output<BR>'''READING:''' KNK 2, 3 or K&R 1 || Oct-18 &<br> Oct-20 || Exercise 8 ||
| 9 || || Oct-24 || Control Flow  <br>'''Reading''':  <br>Ch11: if 사용하기, else 사용하기 <br>Ch14: while루프 <br>Ch15: for 반복문, break사용하기 <br>Ch17: switch 만들기 || Oct-25 &<br> Oct-27 || Statements and blocks <br>In class project: || K&R Ch 3
| 9 || || Oct-24 || Expression, Basic Types<BR>'''READING:''' KNK 4, 7 or K&R 2 || Oct-25 &<br> Oct-27 || Exercise 9 ||
| 10 || || Oct-31 || Functions and Program Structure <br>'''Reading''':  <br>Ch30: 함수를 이용한 구조화 <br>Ch31: 값으로 전달하기 <br>Ch32: 값 반환하기 || Nov-01 &<br> Nov-03 || Scope, Recursion Review || K&R Ch 4
| 10 || || Oct-31 || Control Flow<BR>'''READING:''' KNK 5, 6 or K&R 3 || Nov-01 &<br> Nov-03 || Exercise 10 ||
| 11 || || Nov-07 || EXAM II Place: 407-101 Duration: 2 Hours || Nov-08 &<br> Nov-10 || Arrays <br>'''Reading''':  <br>Ch21: 배열 복습하기, 배열 안에 값 저장하기 <br>In class project: ||
| 11 || || Nov-07 || EXAM II Place: 407-101 Duration: 2 Hours || Nov-08 &<br> Nov-10 || Exam Review ||
| 12 || || Nov-14 || Pointers <br>'''Reading''':  <br>Ch24: 메모리 주소, 포인터 변수 선언하기, 역참조 연산자 * 사용하기  <br>Ch25: 배열의 이름은 포인터이다, 문자와 포인터, 포인터의 배열 <br>Ch32: 주소로 전달하기 || Nov-15 &<br> Nov-17 || Address Arithmetic <br>In class project: || K&R Ch 5
| 12 || || Nov-14 || Arrays, Functions<BR>'''READING:''' KNK 8,9 or K&R 1.6, 4 || Nov-15 &<br> Nov-17 || Exercise 11 ||
| 13 || || Nov-21 || User Defined Data Types <br>'''Reading''':  <br>Ch27: 구조체의 정의, 구조체 변수에 데이터 저장하기 || Nov-22 &<br> Nov-24 || Structures <br>In class project: || K&R Ch 6
| 13 || || Nov-21 || Pointers<BR>'''READING:''' KNK 11 or K&R 5 || Nov-22 &<br> Nov-24 || Exercise 12 ||
| 14 || || Nov-28 || Input and Output <br>'''Reading''':  <br>Ch28: 디스크 파일, 파일 열기 <br>Ch29: 랜덤 파일 열기, 파일 안에서 돌아다니기 || Nov-29 &<br> Dec-01 || File Access <br>In class project: || K&R Ch 7
| 14 || || Nov-28 || Pointers and Arrays<BR>'''READING:''' KNK 12 || Nov-29 &<br> Dec-01 || Exercise 13 ||
| 15 || || Dec-05 || Review || Dec-6-8 || Learn to Debug ||
| 15 || || Dec-05 || Structures<BR>'''READING:''' KNK 16 or K&R 6 || Dec-6-8 || Exercise 14 ||
| 16 || || Dec-12 || Exam III Place: 407-101 Duration: 2 Hours || || || K&R Appendix B
| 16 || || Dec-12 || Exam III Place: 407-101 Duration: 2 Hours || || ||

Revision as of 12:33, 25 August 2017

Class Information

Class A Class B
Class ETA00086 - 프로그래밍 기초, ETA00087 프로그래밍 기초 실습 ETA00086 - 프로그래밍 기초, ETA00087 프로그래밍 기초 실습
Lecturer Seonah Lee Seongjin Lee
Assistant John Doe Jane Doe
Time and Place Tuesday: 407-508, 09:00-11:00 Tuesday: 407-101 09:00-11:00
Wednesday: 407-203 10:00-12:00 Wednesday: 407-202 10:00-12:00
Friday: 407-203 10:00-12:00 Friday: 407-202 10:00-12:00
Office Hour Tuesday: 11:00-12:00
Contacts Room: 407-307 Room 407-314
Email: Email:

Course Introduction

In the Computer Engineering, the language you use determines the capabilities of the software you develop. The more powerful a language is, the easier you can increase the performance and the simpler you can write the software. We are going to learn two languages in this course, Python and C. Python is a versatile, yet powerful, language that is easy to learn as well as the ease of the use. Many of the well-known companies are using Python to solve many of the engineering problems. For example, Dropbox desktop client is written in Python. Another language we are learning in the class is C. Since Dennis Ritchie at AT&T Bell Lab in the early 1970s developed C Programming Language, it has become one of the most powerful language used by various developers working in mobile, enterprise, and embedded systems. The success of C language is the result from its portability, standard library, ready use of the hardware, and ease of optimization.


In this course, we are going to learn the essence of two languages, namely Python and C. Students are going to learn the following concepts.

  • Compiling and running the program
  • Variables, Data Types, and Arithmetic Expressions
  • Loops and Control Flows
  • Arrays and Pointers
  • Functions
  • Data Structures
  • File I/O



There are two textbooks for Python. The class is based on the first book which is elementary and an introductory textbook on python for absolute beginner, but the second book is recommend. Although there is no Korean version of Think Python, it is written in plain English with friendly style. It would be better to have this book rather than the first. Moreover, the author made it freely available on the web.

  1. 모두의 파이썬 20일 만에 배우는 프로그래밍 기초 | 이승찬 지음 | 길벗 | 2016년 05월 09일 출간 교보문고 바로가기
  2. Allen B. Downey, "Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist", 2015, 정식 번역본 없음 바로가기


There are two must have and one recommended--solely because there is translated book available. The first two books are must have textbooks. The third one is recommended. I also recommend you to read C언어 공부법과 책추천(by sunyzero). It gives guide on how to study the language and also emphasizes why the first two books are required textbooks. I recommend to buy the original books and not the translated books.

  1. K.N. King, "C Programming: A Modern Approach," W. W. Norton & Company, 2nd Edition, 2008 교보문고 바로가기
  2. Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie, "C Programming Language" Prentice Hall, 1988 (2nd Edition) (Kernighan 의 C언어 프로그래밍) 교보문고 바로가기
  3. Stephen Prata. "C Primer Plus". Sams, 2004 (C 기초 플러스) 교보문고 바로가기

For your information, we used the following book on 2016.

  • 어서와 C언어는 처음이지! 초보자를 위한 C 프로그래밍 완벽가이드 | 그레그 페리 , 딘 밀러 지음 | 천인국 옮김 | 인피니티북스 | 2015년 06월 26일 출간


Categories Ratio Categories Ratio
Attendance 10 Exam I 25
Assignments 20 Exam II 20
Exam III 25
Total 100%

Schedule and Readings

Week Topic Lecture Lab References
1 Python Aug-29 Introduction & Course Overview D01 Aug-30 &
Variables D02-03, Operations and variables
Day02 간단한 프로그램 만들기
Day03 연산과 변수
2 Sep-05 Flow Diagram D04-05, for Loops
Day04 for 명령을 사용하여 똑같은 작업 반복하기
Day05 range 명령을 사용하여 변화를 주면서 반복하기
Sept-06 &
Drawing and Input D06-07, Drawing and Input
Day06 거북이 그래픽으로 그림 그리기
Day07 정보 입력하기
3 Sep-12 Control Flow D08-09, Condition/Random
Day08 True/False 판단하기
Day09 random 모듈로 임의의 수 뽑기
Sept-13 &
Day13 거북이 그래픽 응용하기
Day14 계산 맞히기 게임 만들기
4 Sep-19 Repetition D10 Loops
Day10 while 명령으로 반복하기
Sept-20 &
Arrays D14-15 Typing Game
Day15: 타자 게임 만들기
5 Sep-26 Function D11-12 Definition and calls
Day11 함수를 정의하고 호출하기
Day12 함수 응용하기
Sept-27 &
6 C Oct-03 추석 Oct-4-6 추석
7 Oct-10 EXAM I Place: 407-101 Duration: 2 Hours Oct-11 &
Exam Review & Compilation Pipeline
8 Oct-17 C fundamentals, Formatted Input/Output
READING: KNK 2, 3 or K&R 1
Oct-18 &
Exercise 8
9 Oct-24 Expression, Basic Types
READING: KNK 4, 7 or K&R 2
Oct-25 &
Exercise 9
10 Oct-31 Control Flow
READING: KNK 5, 6 or K&R 3
Nov-01 &
Exercise 10
11 Nov-07 EXAM II Place: 407-101 Duration: 2 Hours Nov-08 &
Exam Review
12 Nov-14 Arrays, Functions
READING: KNK 8,9 or K&R 1.6, 4
Nov-15 &
Exercise 11
13 Nov-21 Pointers
READING: KNK 11 or K&R 5
Nov-22 &
Exercise 12
14 Nov-28 Pointers and Arrays
Nov-29 &
Exercise 13
15 Dec-05 Structures
READING: KNK 16 or K&R 6
Dec-6-8 Exercise 14
16 Dec-12 Exam III Place: 407-101 Duration: 2 Hours


  • Class A and B will be taught with same text book, class materials, exercises, and assignments. There might be minor differences regarding the teaching methods and use of the time; however, overall layout and the course schedule in both of the classes is the same.
  • Each class is graded separately.