from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict from copy import copy import numpy as np from IPython.core.display import display_html, HTML, display_javascript, Javascript import json import random class BufferMemoryException(Exception): pass class PageNotFoundException(Exception): pass class FileNotFoundException(Exception): pass class Page: def __init__(self, fid, pid, size, data=None): self.file_id = fid = pid self.size = size if data is None: self._data = [None]*size else: self.set_all(data) self._i = 0 def size(self, count_empty=False): return len(filter(lambda e : e or count_empty, self._data)) def get(self, i): if i < self.size: return self._data[i] else: raise IndexError def pop(self): # TODO FINISH THIS!!! x = self._data[self._i] self._data[self._i] = None self._i += 1 return x def peek(self): # TODO: Finish this! return self._data[self._i] def is_empty(self): return len([d for d in self._data if d is not None]) == 0 def set(self, i, val): if i < self.size: self._data[i] = val else: raise IndexError def set_all(self, data): if len(data) != self.size: raise Exception("Data and page size do not match") else: self._data = data def copy(self): return Page(self.file_id,, self.size, data=copy(self._data)) def get_data_copy(self): return copy(self._data) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._data) def next(self): if self._i < self.size: self._i += 1 return self.get(self._i-1) else: raise StopIteration() def __str__(self): return "" % (self.file_id,, def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() class FileIterator: """ Simple class for iterating through a file and reading successive elements of pages By default, the FileIterator only uses a single page (frame) of the buffer, And either gets the next element in the page or releases it and reads in a new one from disk """ def __init__(self, b, file_id): self.buffer = b self.file_id = file_id self.file_size = len(self.buffer.get_file(file_id)) self.P = self.buffer.page_size self._page = None self._p = -1 # The page index self._e = self.P - 1 # The element index self._current_value = None def _next_page(self): """Release the current page & get next non-null page, stopping iteration if EOF reached""" if self._page: self.buffer.release(self._page) if self._p < self.file_size - 1: self._p += 1 self._page =, self._p) if self._page is None: self._next_page() else: self._p = -1 self._e = self.P - 1 raise StopIteration def next(self): """ Get next *element* of the pages in the file Handles reading / flushing pages so that at most one page is in the buffer """ # Iterate the element counter and get next page if at end of current one self._e += 1 if self._e == self.P: self._e = 0 self._next_page() # Get the next element x = self._page.get(self._e) # Skip None elements by recursing if x is None: x = self._current_value = x return x def get_next(self): """Returns None instead of StopIteration exception if EOF reached""" try: return except StopIteration: return None def erase_current(self): """ Deletes the current element from page, still storing it in FileIterator Mostly for animations """ self._page.set(self._e, None) self.buffer.log_buffer_data_diffs() def peek(self): """Returns the current value in the stream without advancing it""" return self._current_value def __iter__(self): return self class FileWriter: """ A simple class for writing to a file By default the FileWriter only takes up a single page (frame) in the buffer, flushing to disk when full """ def __init__(self, b, file_id): self.buffer = b self.file_id = file_id self.P = self.buffer.page_size self._page = None self._i = 0 # The page index self.pages_written = 0 def append(self, x): """Adds an element to the next free slot in a current or new page""" # Load new page, then set next element if self._page is None: self._page = self.buffer.new_page(self.file_id) self._i = 0 self._page.set(self._i, x) self._i += 1 # Also log for animation self.buffer.log_buffer_data_diffs() # If page is full, flush here if self._i == self.P: self.buffer.flush(self._page) self.pages_written += 1 self._page = None def close(self): """Closes the writer""" if self._page is not None: self.buffer.flush(self._page) self.pages_written += 1 class Buffer: def __init__(self, page_size=4, buffer_size=4, sequential_cost=1.0, buffer_queue_indicator=None): self.buffer_size = buffer_size self.page_size = page_size # Display tooltip over e.g. LRU, MRU self.buffer_queue_indicator = buffer_queue_indicator # The buffer is a hash table of pages, of fixed size self._buffer = [None]*self.buffer_size self._buffer_order = [] self._buffer_map = {} # The disk is a list of files, which are lists of pages self._disk = [] # Keep track of the last read / write fid,pid for sequential discount self._last_id = None self._sequential_cost = sequential_cost # The log records read & write operations between disk, buffer and main (name??) self._io_count = { 'bufferReads': 0, 'bufferWrites': 0, 'diskReads': 0, 'diskWrites': 0 } self._log = [] # for d3 animations self._chart_num = 0 self._pages_start_state = [] self._diff_log_start = 0 self._buffer_stale = [None]*self.buffer_size def buffer_is_full(self): return len(filter(lambda x : x is None, self._buffer)) == 0 def get_empty_buffer_slot(self): for i in range(len(self._buffer)): if self._buffer[i] is None: return i else: raise BufferMemoryException def get_empty_disk_slot(self): i = -1 for i in range(len(self._disk)): if self._disk[i] is None: self._disk[i] = [] return i self._disk.append([]) return i + 1 def get_file_size(self, file_id, count_empty=False): return len(filter(lambda p : p or count_empty, self._disk[file_id])) def _update_log(self, op, page, buffer_idx, old_location, new_location, keep_old, file_id=None, show=True, tooltip_content=None): fid = page.file_id if page else file_id pid = if page else None page_data = page.get_data_copy() if page else None self._log.append({ "operation": op, "oldLocation": old_location, "newLocation": new_location, "file": fid, "page": pid, "bufferIndex": buffer_idx, "pageData": page_data, "keepOld": keep_old, "ioCount": copy(self._io_count), "show": show, "tooltipContent": tooltip_content }) def print_log(self): for l in self._log: print '%s : id=(%s,%s) : %s -> %s [bi=%s]' % (l['operation'], l['file'], l['page'], l['oldLocation'], l['newLocation'], l['bufferIndex']) def get_buffer_page(self, idx): """Returns page & buffer index of specific page by buffer order""" if type(idx) == int: if idx >= self.buffer_size: raise BufferMemoryException else: if idx == 'LRU': j = 0 elif idx == 'MRU': j = -1 else: raise Exception("Unrecognized index type.") if len(self._buffer_order) > 0: i = self._buffer_order[j] else: return None, None return self._buffer[i], i def update_buffer_queue_indicator(self, remove_idx=None, add_idx=None): """ Updates the buffer order queue = tracks order in which pages were put in buffer Sends tooltip updates to log for a separate tooltip to indicate e.g. LRU/MRU """ if remove_idx is not None: self._buffer_order = filter(lambda i : i != remove_idx, self._buffer_order) if add_idx is not None: self._buffer_order.append(add_idx) if self.buffer_queue_indicator: page, buffer_idx = self.get_buffer_page(self.buffer_queue_indicator) self._update_log('TOOLTIP-2', page, buffer_idx, 'BUFFER', 'BUFFER', False, tooltip_content=self.buffer_queue_indicator) def read(self, fid, pid): """ Attempts to read page from buffer, else tries to load a copy of the page from disk Throws exceptions if page not in buffer and buffer is full or page not found on disk """ id = (fid, pid) self.log_buffer_data_diffs() # Not in buffer and buffer full! if id not in self._buffer_map and self.buffer_is_full(): raise BufferMemoryException # File and/or page not found! elif fid >= len(self._disk) or pid >= len(self._disk[fid]): raise PageNotFoundException else: # If not already in buffer, read from disk to buffer # Find an empty slot in the buffer and insert copy of page from disk if id not in self._buffer_map: if self._last_id == (id[0], id[1]-1): self._io_count['diskReads'] += self._sequential_cost else: self._io_count['diskReads'] += 1 i = self.get_empty_buffer_slot() page = self._disk[fid][pid].copy() self._buffer[i] = page self._buffer_map[id] = i self._update_log('READ FROM DISK', page, i, 'DISK', 'BUFFER', True) # log for sequential discounting self._last_id = id # Perform & record read *from* buffer, adjust buffer use order i = self._buffer_map[id] self.update_buffer_queue_indicator(remove_idx=i, add_idx=i) self._io_count['bufferReads'] += 1 page = self._buffer[i] self._update_log('Read from Buffer', page, i, 'BUFFER', 'BUFFER', False) return page def new_page(self, fid): """ Creates a new page, in buffer only, returning the page """ # Buffer full! if self.buffer_is_full(): raise BufferMemoryException # New page must be assigned to a file, and this file must already exist on disk! elif fid >= len(self._disk): raise FileNotFoundException # Create in buffer- log this (mainly for animation) else: # Get the next index for the file, append an empty placeholder in the file on disk # TODO: replace this method, have them do manually? pid = len(self._disk[fid]) self._disk[fid].append(None) # Place a new page in the buffer page = Page(fid, pid, self.page_size) i = self.get_empty_buffer_slot() self._buffer[i] = page self._buffer_stale[i] = page.copy() self._buffer_map[(fid, pid)] = i self.update_buffer_queue_indicator(add_idx=i) self._update_log('Write to Buffer', page, i, None, 'BUFFER', False) return page def release(self, page): """ Releases page from buffer without flushing to disk, clearing the buffer frame """ self.log_buffer_data_diffs() id = (page.file_id, # Must be in buffer! if id not in self._buffer_map: raise PageNotFoundException # Release from buffer without flushing to disk else: i = self._buffer_map.pop(id) self.update_buffer_queue_indicator(remove_idx=i) self._update_log('RELEASE', page, i, 'BUFFER', None, False) self._buffer[i] = None def flush(self, page): """ Writes the page to buffer, then flushes the page in buffer to disk, clearing it from buffer """ self.log_buffer_data_diffs() fid = page.file_id pid = id = (fid, pid) # Must be in buffer! if id not in self._buffer_map: raise PageNotFoundException # Must have a file to write to! elif page.file_id >= len(self._disk): raise FileNotFoundException # Flush to disk: remove from buffer, buffer map, place in disk else: if self._last_id == (id[0], id[1]-1): self._io_count['diskWrites'] += self._sequential_cost else: self._io_count['diskWrites'] += 1 self._update_log('FLUSH TO DISK', page, self._buffer_map[id], 'BUFFER', 'DISK', False) i = self._buffer_map.pop(id) self._disk[fid][pid] = self._buffer[i] self._buffer[i] = None self.update_buffer_queue_indicator(remove_idx=i) # log for sequential discounting self._last_id = id def get_file(self, fid): """ Gets a file from disk, which is just a list of page ids """ if fid >= len(self._disk): raise FileNotFoundException else: return range(len(self._disk[fid])) def get_file_len(self, fid): return len(self.get_file(fid)) def new_file(self): """ Creates a new file on disk, returns the file id """ file_id = self.get_empty_disk_slot() self._update_log('NEWFILE', None, None, None, None, False, file_id=file_id) return file_id def delete_file(self, file_id): self._disk[file_id] = None self._update_log('DELETEFILE', None, None, None, None, False, file_id=file_id) def log_buffer_data_diffs(self): """ The user can modify the data in the buffer directly We want to have a record of these updates though for logging & animation """ for i,page in enumerate(self._buffer): if page is not None: # Note: only show + log IO count if an actual data change vs. initialization diff = self._buffer_stale[i] and not np.array_equal(page.get_data_copy(), self._buffer_stale[i].get_data_copy()) if self._buffer_stale[i] is None or diff: self._update_log('WRITE (Buffer)', page, i, 'BUFFER', 'BUFFER', False, show=False) self._buffer_stale[i] = page.copy() if diff: self._io_count['bufferWrites'] += 1 def display(self, speed=1000, from_start=False, reset_io=False, buffer_num=0): """ Display an animation, based on a starting state & the logged diff Once this is called, the starting state & log mark are advanced """ self.log_buffer_data_diffs() # Create a new html pane with unique id chart_id = '%s-%s' % (buffer_num, self._chart_num) html = """
IO CountsRW
To/from Buffer 0 0
To/from Disk 0 0

""".format(chart_id) # Dump log to json file with open('pagesLog.json', 'wb') as f: json.dump(self._log, f) # Create animation in js/d3 js_configs = { 'DURATION': speed, 'chartNum': chart_id, 'numBufferPages': self.buffer_size, 'pageSize': self.page_size, 'numDiskPages': 5, 'logStart': self._diff_log_start if not from_start else 0 } js = js_file_with_configs('compModel.js', js_configs) js_libs = [ '', '', '' ] display_html(HTML(data=html)) display_javascript(Javascript(data=js, lib=js_libs)) self._chart_num += 1 # Advance current animation state in log self.display_set_mark(reset_io=reset_io) def display_set_mark(self, reset_io=True): """ Set mark so that next display command starts animation at this point Also reset IO counter """ self._diff_log_start = len(self._log) if reset_io: for k in self._io_count.iterkeys(): self._io_count[k] = 0 def js_file_with_configs(fpath, configs): """ Take in a js filepath and a dictionary of configs to be passed in as global vars """ js = '' for k,v in configs.iteritems(): if type(v) == str: js += 'var %s = "%s"\n' % (k,v) elif type(v) in [int, float]: js += 'var %s = %s\n' % (k,v) js += open(fpath, 'rb').read() return js def new_rand_file(b, r, l, sorted=False): vals = random.sample(range(r), l) if sorted: vals.sort() fid = b.new_file() fw = FileWriter(b, fid) for v in vals: fw.append(v) fw.close() return fid