from IPython.core.display import display_html, HTML, display_javascript, Javascript import json import numpy as np import inspect import re from collections import defaultdict from copy import deepcopy class TransactionManager: """ Class for maintaining a set of n_threads + 1 states Allows these states to be read and written to by threads, the latter via supplied functions Commits are also modeled explicitly Visualization of a supplied set of txns in the txn viewer """ def __init__(self, n_threads, initial_main_vals=None): self.n_threads = n_threads # The state for each variable is stored as a row # where indices correspond to thread number, RAM is FIRST element self._state = defaultdict(lambda : [0]*(self.n_threads + 1)) # Set initial values in global / RAM if initial_main_vals: for var, val in initial_main_vals.iteritems(): self._state[var][0] = val # Start with an initial state self._log = [{ 'thread': -1, 'operation': 'initial', 'state': dict(deepcopy(self._state)) }] def commit(self, thread): """Commit the actions since the last commit""" # TODO: implement actual functionality! self._log.append({ 'thread': thread, 'operation': 'COMMIT', 'state': dict(deepcopy(self._state)) }) def abort(self, thread): """Abort the actions since the last commit""" # TODO: implement actual functionality! self._log.append({ 'thread': thread, 'operation': 'ABORT', 'state': dict(deepcopy(self._state)) }) def read(self, thread, var): """Read var from disk / global into thread local state""" self._state[var][thread+1] = self._state[var][0] self._log.append({ 'thread': thread, 'operation': 'READ(%s)' % var, 'state': dict(deepcopy(self._state)) }) return self._state[var][thread+1] def write(self, thread, var, val): self.write_fn(thread, var, value=val) def write_fn(self, thread, var, value=None, f=None): if value and not hasattr(value, '__call__'): val = value val_string = str(value) elif f and hasattr(f, '__call__'): val = f(self._state[var][thread+1]) val_string = lambda_function_repr(f) else: raise Exception('f or value must be specified.') old = self._state[var][0] self._state[var][0] = val self._state[var][thread+1] = val # Also set local value self._log.append({ 'thread': thread, 'operation': 'WRITE(%s, %s)' % (var, val_string), 'var': var, 'old': old, 'new': val, 'state': dict(deepcopy(self._state)) }) def print_log(self): for line in self._log: print line def display(self, chart_num=0, configs_in={}): """Display the TXN viewer based on full current log""" # dump input txns to jsonfor transfer to js with open('txnLog.json', 'wb') as f: json.dump(self._log, f) # merge default configs config = { 'chartNum': chart_num, 'numThreads': self.n_threads } config.update(configs_in) js = ''.join('var %s = %s\n' % (k,v) for k,v in config.iteritems()) # JS js += open('txnViewer.js', 'rb').read() js_libs = [ '//', '', '' ] # HTML html_scripts = [ '' ] html=""" {0}


The Log

""".format(''.join(html_scripts), chart_num) # Display in IPython notebook display_html(HTML(data=html)) display_javascript(Javascript(data=js, lib=js_libs)) def lambda_function_repr(f): try: return'lambda.*?:(.*?)(,|\)$)', inspect.getsource(f).strip()).group(1).strip() except AttributeError: return '?'